

蒋爱华,女,湖南隆回人,高级实验师。参加国家、省自然科学基金等科研项目5项,参与省、校级教改项目共6项。近年来,在国内外“Journal of Materials Science & Technology”“J Nanomater”、“物理学报”等学术期刊上发表科研论文20余篇,其中第一或通讯作者SCI或EI收录12篇;发表教改论文9篇。
















1.Aihua Jiang, Jianrong Xiao*, Chenyang Gong, Zhiyong Wang, Songshan Ma, Structure and Electrical Transport Properties of Pb-doped Copper Nitride (Cu3N:Pb) Films,Vacum, 2019,164:53-57.

2.伍醒,蒋爱华*,程勇,射频功率对DLC薄膜结构和力学性能的影响,真空, 2019, 56(4): 34-36.

3.Aihua Jiang, Meng Qi, Jianrong Xiao*, Preparation, structure, properties, and application of copper nitride (Cu3N) thin films: A review,Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018.34:1467-1473.

4.Qi Meng, Xiao Jianrong, Gong Chenyang,Jiang Aihua*, Chen Yong, Evolution of the mechanical and tribological properties of DLC thin films doped with low-concentration hafnium on 316L steel,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51:025301,2018.

5. Yafang Guo,Aihua Jiang*, Meng Qi, Yongxuan Hou, Jianrong Xiao,Carbon Nanotube Doped with Gaseous-phase Silica/Sulfur Composite as a Cathode Material for High-performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries,International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2017, 12: 11343-11352.

6. Meng Qi, Jian Rong Xiao*, Yong Cheng, Zhi Yong Wang,Ai Hua Jiang, Ya Fang Guo, Zeng Ren Tao,Effect of various nitrogen flow ratios on the optical properties of (Hf:N)-DLC films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering,AIP Advances,2017, 7(8):085012/1-10.(SCI)

7.Jianrong Xiao, Meng Qi, Yong Cheng,Aihua Jiang*, Yaping Zeng, Jiafeng Ma, Influences of Nitrogen Partial Pressure on the Optical Properties of Copper Nitride Films,RSC Advances, 2016, 6:40895-40899. (SCI)


9.Aihua Jiang, Jianrong Xiao, Xinyu Li, Zhiyong Wang, Effect of structure, composition, and micro-morphology on the hydrophobic property of F-DLC film,Journal of Nanomaterials,2013(2013), 690180.(SCI)

10.Jianrong Xiao,Aihua Jiang*, Zhiyong Wang. Effect of nitrogen doping on the structure and optical band gap of F-DLC films,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,52: 095502,2013.(SCI)

11.Jiang Aihua, Jiang Haoyu, Zhao Hang, Xiao Jiangrong, Characterization of Defects in Gallium Nitride Films Studied by SEM,Applied Mechanics & Materials,275-277:2023-2026,2013.(EI)

12.JIANG Ai-hua, XIAO Jian-rong, YANG Duan-cui, JIANG Hao-yu. Thermal Stability and Tribological Properties of Fluorinated Amorphous Carbon Thin Films Doped with Nitrogen,Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International), 2012, 19s:805-808(SCI)

13.Jian Rong Xiao,Ai Hua Jiang, Ye Guang Liang, Influence of substrate temperature on structural and propertyofCu3Nthin films,Advanced Materials Research,2011, 152-153: 218-221,(EI)

14.Jian Rong Xiao,Ai Hua Jiang*, Ye Guang Liang, Influence of substrate temperature on structural and property of Cu3N thin films,Advances Materials Research, 152-153: 218-221, 2011.

15.Jian-rongXiao,Ai-hua Jiang.Effect of radio frequency power on the structural and optical properties of nitrogen doping of fluorinated diamond-like carbon thin films,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2008,41: 225304-22538. (SCI)

16.蒋爱华,肖剑荣,王德安.退火对含氮氟非晶碳膜结构及光学带隙的影响,物理学报,2008, 57(9):6013-6017. (SCI)

17.蒋爱华,肖剑荣,氟化非晶碳膜的微结构分析,真空科学与技术学报,2009, 29(1): 38-41 (EI)

18.蒋爱华,肖剑荣,射频功率对FN-DLC薄膜粘附性的影响,真空2008, 45(02), 67-69



21.蒋爱华,肖剑荣,大学物理实验教学中的多媒体技术,高校实验室工作研究, 2009, 100(2):43-44


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